10 things that cheapen your look

welcome beauty 

this is your personal self-assessment board

check yourself on the following 10 mistakes that cheapen your looks immediately 


cakey make-up and bad skin 

make sure to wear just a little make-up and take care of your skin because otherwise this can really cheapen your look as cakey make up looks like a second layer of skin..

10 things that cheapen your look


leoprint can look cute, but let’s be honest, no elegant, elite women is wearing it and there is a reason for that beauty..

play boy, perfume, gift-1012367.jpg

too tight clothes

rather go up a size then to show that your clothes are too tight, it just looks cheap.

long fake lashes not properly glued on

there is a fine line between nice looking thick lashes and fake glued on ones, know the difference!

make-up remedy and eye crust

clean your eyes girl. We all know the women running around with smokey panda eyes all day long not even bothering to clean their eye crust.

visible hair extentions

It can be hard to keep them invisible when they are growing out further but make sure you keep them covered.

poor posture

posture tells a story! chin up, tummy in, chest out and wear that smile beauty <3

dirty nails

yes girls, you’ve heard it. Is there anything more to say?

Even when you have fake nails that look good on the outside, are they clean behind? take a brush and rub them when you wash your hands.

bad hygiene, yellow teeth

? please tell me you brush twice a day..

woman, young, lady-909326.jpg


the secret comes at the end.. what do all these wonderful beautys have in common?


Let me tell you beauty.. the real elegant women out there move with grace because they know what to say no to to not be the fool for anyone.

as always <3 eat that frog beauty

xoxo your froggie community

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