We all know them, the women that have their s* together. You see them hanging out in the coffeeshops next to the YSL Shop which their girl friends like in sex and the city. Honestly you don’t even know where to start, you don’t even consider that you could one day become that girl beauty. The struggle is real, we are occupied with even getting our job done and not going to the MCDonalds to make life easier.. we know that beauty and this is why the froggie community has your back. Life is hard – let#s be honest.
1. accept your strenghts
You are as unique as every different flower blooming out of the ground. You are! What is your personal superpower? The thing people always say you are so good at or what makes people smile when they are with you? Is it your humor? Your ability to lead or the way you take care of children? No Mather what it is, make sure to bring it into every part of your life and make it even stronger!
2. get out of the box
Everyone has one. The personal box that decides what is possible and what is “just not for me”. Get out. Get out. No, seriously: Feel the fear – do it anyways – get out of your self imposed box you grew up with, it is time to do the things you are afraid of doing.
3. take charge of your focus
Your focus is everything. It is the one thing that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. Make sure that you take your monkey thoughts that jump up and down inside of your head and focus them deliberately on what it is you want at least 2 times a day.
4. the miracle sheet
- Your worst thoughts about you?
- The truth about you.
- What you actually do all the time and why these bad thoughts are a lie.
- I am not doing enough for my parents.
- The truth: I am actually such a good kid, coming home every Christmas, listening to their problems when they need me and sending them nice messages every now and then. This is enough.
- This is a complete lie because I am not here to serve my parents all the time they have their own god given life and I am allowed to also focus on myself and my well being. I am a good person from the core.
Carry this on a little sheet where you will see it when this thoughts come up, for example the back of your I phone case.
5. your personal servants
Create your imaginary servant that is doing jobs for you. This actually works – Napoleon Hill was the first one talking about it in his world famous book think and grow rich. You create that servant and ask him to do something for you and every night you thank him that he did the job.
6. motion for posture
Great posture makes such a huge difference in appearance. The truth is that people that move a lot and keep in motion are having the best posture just because of all the little muscles. Make sure you keep in motion as much as you can throwout the day.
7. be clean and smell good
Shower in the morning after your work out but at least shower at night to wash off the day and wear deodorant. If you do not do so and you think you smell ok then let me tell you you stink. The problem is that you can not smell it anymore.
8. standarts
Tony Robbins says it well. The only thing that really changes you are your standards. Make sure you have high standards.
9. morning routine
This will change your life tremendously! Include a morning routine that includes: reading-sport-prayer.
Reading: Something that gives you knowledge can also be a podcast.
Sport: Something that moves the body – can also be stretching or a walk.
Prayer: Something that tunes your mind – can also be meditation.
Prayer, meditation, you name it. Ask and you shall receive. Make sure to ask god, the universe – loving energy for what it is you want.
11. honesty with yourself
Really. Be honest. Be honest about your body, about your thoughts, about what it is you want, about people taking advantage of you, about being too generous with people around you, about always giving yourself to the ones that need you, about never receiving that love and understanding back, … be honest. It can be hard to change..
12. invest into your looks
Invest into nice clothes, the doctors for your skin, a good haircut and a gym membership…
13. books and therapy
Books are essential, make sure to read. Therapy takes you to places within yourself that you could not go by yourself. It is very important to spare the extra money because this will catapult you so far.
What is your favorite point? Write it in the comments below.
XOXO Your froggie community <3