you need to hear this beauty

Stop expecting the people around you, your family, your friends, class mates or co-workers.- stop expecting them to get you!

You are someone that is about to “eat that frog beauty” ..they won’t WANT to get you, they will label you as the “strange one”, the “bookworm”, as – “she? oh darling she’s not living in reality, look at her”.

Beauty! You will go out there from one day to the other having your nails done, your shirts ironed, your hair clean after having woken up one hour earlier were you do the 20-20-20 hour of power (for more read here) and you will gracefully confuse them.. 😀 believe us, we have been there. The froggie community welcomes you to the experience we all made.

“But if I could just help my mother do the same thing, implement the law of duality (for more read here) get herself into this frequency … I would so love to see her loose the weight, get to that next level, get the money, the man, the house,.. everything she is dreaming of .. ” NO beauty, NO.

People change because they WANT TO, people change when they see YOU change and see that it is working for YOU because if it is working for you why couldn’t it work for them, they are secretly thinking ” man if it works for her it sure as he* will work for me”) ..

Never give advice if you are not asked to do so explicitly and even when someone says – I saw you change, how did you do it, rather give them this or any other blog/ YouTube channel/ book to pick up, than telling it all from the top of your head. PEOPLE LABEL YOU WHEN THEY CAN NOT REACH YOUR LEVEL.. be carefull beauty. If they really really want to do the changes necessary they will get back to you after reading the blog/doint the stuff, if they won`t you know you SAVED yourself a headache because they really really just wanted to get you back down into the comfort zone where they are.

Do you know the frogs in a bucket story? When catching frogs you can leave them in a bucket because if one wants to escape the other ones will tear him back down..

CREATE YOUR OWN SAFE SPACE TO GROW IN, do not let anyone in but you and the lord/ the universe, your spiritual guidance. Think for YOURSELF do not permit anyone to think for you! Every great man thought for himself! If you did let people solve your problems in the past do not tell them to stop doing so but rather SILENTLY start getting discreet with your matters.

DO IT THE ELEGANT WAY.. and of course see you next time <3

never forget to eat that frog beauty, we love you, always welcome here – you know 🙂


your froggie community

book recommendation 🙂

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