What’s an emotional home?
Whenever you go through something that is hard, you shift right to your emotional home. Beauty this is stuff the great Tony Robbins teaches!! So listen up. I got you, let`s change our lives to be even better than now <3
-> So, at the time the twin towers thing happened thousands of people got evacuated.. Tony Robbins flew in and spent his day with around 40 deeply shocked people to get them grounded a bit. Tony Robbins, for those who do not know them is one of the greatest if not the greatest Coach and Speaker alive!
He explains that after the event of the twin towers where thousands of people died in front of the survivors due to a terror attac.. they sat together in a room and the reactions of the people were so different!
- some were deeply angry
- some were fearfull
- some were celebrating!
- …
How can that be??? Isnt that crazy? - in fact NO.
That’s what happens to you when things happen in your life you were not prepared for. Tragic things. And let`s keep it real: They happen to ALL OF US BEAUTY.
The feelings you go to are: YOUR PERSONAL EMOTIONAL HOME.
So every time something bad happens – if your emotional home is to be sad and angry you will skip your well intended practices like exercise, working hard, reading, being cheerful,.. and just keep stuck and things get WORSE AND WORSE AND EVEN WORSE THAN THAT LIKE A F* SPIRAL …
How can you change your emotional home?
You change it by understanding one thing: Emotion is created by Motion. Really! If you slough and keep your head down, talk slowly and silently – aka fearful behavior – you simply CAN NOT SNAP OUT OF fear.
You got to change your Motion now! And the good news is: everyone can do this:
- Right now create a list: on the left side write don your 3-5 emotions you go into when feeling down and depressed (fearful, angry, hopeless,…) and on the right side write down the 3-5 emotions you are feeling when life is just dummy and good to you (excited, happy, sexy, strong,…)
- Now underneath write down on the left side the body posture, tone of voice, thoughts you are having to each emotion, so on the left side this would be – stiff, head down, slow speech, hesitant, crying,…- und the right side this could be – talking loudly, smiling a lot, dancing, dressed nicely, doing sports,…
The trick and key is sooo easy once you know you know beauty
Practice the emotions of the happy list. Create a daily habit of PRACTICING THOSE EMOTIONS. As if you were to learn a new language, as if you were in school again, as if as if.. The point here is – it`s fun and life changing. You will attract so much yumminess in your life again and come back here one day and tell the readerds: THIS F* SH* CHANGED MY LIFE
Pro tipp: Put on great music and record your wished emotions in the I – form: I am so happy now that I speak loudly, I walk fast, I dance and go out, I talk to people, I am seen and I love it, I make plans, listen to my favorite music and dream about my amazing future, I talk aboutt all the possibilities that await me, I dance the whole night and sing, I do a great job at work,…
Record this every morning/ and – or evening and listen to it – be your own hype girl beauty .. because nobody is coming to safe you but you.