If you want something you have to work for it and I am not going to sit here pretending that through some energy you will just make it to the top. The reality is that all successful people had something in common and there is just no way to simplify it. So stop searching for the easy route, the whole point in doing the hard things is that they are hard! If they were not hard this would not change anything in your life and you have t realize that the pain is what serves you, its not even about the physic or the money, it’s the pain.
Why? Because that`s the only way to create change, feel good about yourself and get better. As soon as you sit on your bottoms for a week and chill, watch TV you are going to feel bad. In order for people to respect you you have to respect you first.
The only way to create respect for yourself is to be disciplined in what you say you are going to do! Come on, are you happy with your body? Are you happy with your bank balance? Stop searching for the easy way out.
There is just one thing to change us and that is putting in the effort, wake up early, go work out, dress for success, get yourself some real goals! Become the person you want to see in the world! Who is the person you want to see in the world?
On this blog we encourage each other on really improving! You can! Believe in it. So many men went before you taking the harder path on purpose. In order to be really fulfilled you have to impress yourself this is just how it works. I am sorry to all the self love stuff out here but you have to do some hard things to see change.
your froggie fam