from the dark to light: How pregnancy changed me and whats coming next

I’m back, after a really long time. A time where my life collapsed and I had to build it from scratch again. A time in which I lost hope while holding on. At the end of 2023 I went through the hardest breakup of my life whilst getting the message that I am pregnant. Whilst getting the message that the pregnancy did go wrong. Whilst being hospitalized for weeks getting chemo to loose the child which would kill me in growing. While keeping on working doing two full-time remote jobs during all that time just taking an off day when getting chemo shots again.

I collected my pieces since then and here I am.

A new woman, a woman that changed and left the material glitter glanz world far behind her.

She is real, and I’ll always be because as I said, I had to build me from the scratch on… ONCE AGAIN.

I am so happy to be back, so happy to be here again with the froggie family. Let me share new wisdom and adventures.


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