believe in your level up beauty

There can be miracles when you believe – just as Whitney says.. who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe somehow you will..

In this blog post I want to share my thoughts about believing in yourself with you.

Society tells us that we can achieve everything, but at the same time every time someone is successful he is the one that is talked badly about. Why?

The reason is easy. I once read: Either you watch the people in the arena or you go in and fight. The watchers shout at the fighters, near to fight and risk themselves, but threw their shouting screaming and buying tickets to the show they ensure the fighters wealth and attention.

The fighters on the other hand risk their lives to succeed. They go in with all that they have, no ticket price, no remorse and no way out. The fighters already expect their watchers to scream for one of the opposing sides. This is natural. This is what turns them on.

I am asking you to BE A FIGHTER. Be a fighter beauty. Yess! We women (and men) can step into the arena! We can put off our shoes, throw that wig and lashes to the ground and fight relentlessly. We are strong. We can and we will compete. This is where life starts! Not where it ends..

The watchers (your nagging friends, family, neighbors, teachers, comments on your latest bomb as instagram post that were negative,… ) the watchers want you to believe that stepping into the arena will kill you!

BUT WHY? Think about the why.. attention goes where money flows my beauty.. this is the sad truth – who will pay for the arena costs, for the fighters cost, who will spend hours and hours on instagram scrolling threw the fighters reels to make their view count go up? Who will do that if no-one is scared anymore to be the fighter?

Well this is how life goes. Either you grow them balls or you watch them balls grow ( I am sorry for that but this nails it haha :D) step into the arena beauty, GROW THEM balls 馃榾

The thing is.. it’s nice to not start that business, that blog, that YouTube channel or new career it is – indeed! Because it is work to wake up earlier to do that, its hard to be consistent, it takes stamina to keep up the good work but let me tell you something:

It also takes a toll on you to go to bed at night knowing that you have worked for someone else dream AGAIN. That your life time, which is the only thing you have got is waisted by not using it to building up your DREAM.

Believe in yourself beauty. I DO BELIEVE IN YOU. ALWAYS WILL. and never forget to ..

eat that frog beauty <3 xoxo

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