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Breaking Free from my own Self-Sabotage
In the dance of life, we often find ourselves caught in the web of self-sabotage without even realizing it. From choosing unavailable partners to settling for jobs that don’t align with our experience,...
Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-27 um 11.37
feminine and maskulin MONEY - are you really in your power?
The difference between spending money and saving it is interesting. Spending is seen as feminine, and saving is seen as masculine. The concept becomes clear when you think about it more. Some people spend...
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-07 um 18.08
the "Nice" Trap in Toxic Relationships
For many years, I’ve encountered a recurring pattern in my interactions with clients, friends, and even colleagues. It’s a phenomenon that often goes unnoticed until you find yourself entangled...
You are your own boss: Mastering Life's Drama for Success
Beauty! Well, it’s all about making choices. No matter what’s going on in your life, you always have the power to decide. Even when things get overwhelming, you can quietly make a decision...