The difference between spending money and saving it is interesting. Spending is seen as feminine, and saving is seen as masculine. The concept becomes clear when you think about it more. Some people spend their money freely, living in the moment without thinking about the future. Others, both men and women, focus on saving and building a financial safety net. The key to becoming wealthy is finding a balance, similar to the balance between masculine and feminine, yin and yang, black and white.
It’s important to be financially intelligent while also spending money where your soul desires and your heart beats. Without this balance, you won’t be truly happy, and the law of attraction won’t bring more happiness and things that make you happy. For example, if you grew up struggling financially, counting pennies for basic items, you might adopt a more masculine approach to spending, fearing that your family could suffer again. Learning to let go is crucial because you’re not solely responsible for everyone’s well-being. Enjoying your life is your purpose.
On the flip side, if you never felt financial pressure as a child and always got what you wanted, you might spend money very freely, living only in the present. However, both extremes lead to nothing. Balancing feminine and masculine energy, regardless of your gender, is the path to true wealth.