How to level up threw Quantum Leaps – how to breakthrough beauty

When we think about going forward in life and evolving to the woman we would like to become, we think about doing it all, nails, hair, shopping, sports, moving to the right neighborhood and to the best even changing our name 😀 we think of so many things being wrong with us, about where we need to travel, whom we need to meet and what education is still missing to join the A-List of life.

The slower you go the faster you evolve…

How do we create breakthroughs and radical change?

A quantum leap has no time, it just happens in the now. From one moment to another you can be at a higher space. Electrons disappear from one point and appear at another point. The distance between them is covered without the use of any time! If matter like those electrons can do so, the human consciousness, which is even greater than matter, can do even more than that..

This lease us to the next important step:

Consciousness is without time

Think of waking up in the morning… do you remember the time you wake up, or are you for hours in a state where you are not sure if you still sleep or you woke up already? You open your eyes and from that moment on you know a new day begun, no?

Well this is exactly the way a quantum leap works, you are instantly awake.The alarm clock is equal to Meditation, taking a step back, moving slower.. taking tiny steps, assessing where you are..

Take a deep breath into your body and secretly stay calm for some time… notice the tiny sensations 

What if you don’t need more information you need more imbodyment 

What if you need to get into who you want to be rather than searching for what is lacking on the inside of you?

Tell yorself: thank you god that my life is so easy that I have time to complain 

If you feel like complaining that frog beauty, take charge

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