Many of us face the challenges that we live in patriarchy and have to play by the rules of men. There are only a handful of ways to actually succeed in your career as a woman without suffering from severe overwork and/or burnout and I got you beauty.
Use your advantage of deep intuition
Yes, you heard it. Men do not have the level of intuition us women bring to a job, especially when it comes to leadership! The only thing you need to up on is your level of confidence in your intuition! Men are risk takers. Point blank. They like to take chances, whereas in our genes due to evolution we tend to seek safety. I make this bold statement in order to drive my point, not in order to bash women. So next time you are in a challenging situation consult your intuition and watch it handle stuff for you the way men never could. Actually, why do you think we are literally creating humans in our body’s? We are the tunnel of life force, not only with our ability to bear children but actually with our immense ability to bear the truth threw deep deep intuition and I bet you you have had multiple moments your feminine intuition did not get it wrong. Learn to trust it.
Do not fall into the trap of taking on masculine behaviour in order to fit in
The true power of a woman especially in leadership IS FEMININITY. The really big women in finance, Tec, Entrepreneurship the list goes on.. are the woman that did not let patriarchy steal their femininity. When thinking about woman in power just think Sheral Sandberg, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama.. They use and protect their birth right and gift. Use it. Do not try to intentionally walk like a man, talk like a man and act like a man just because you think you will be accepted more. No! The real reason you get accepted into a peer group is by strength through authenticity. Study the women of success..
Love your inner child and treat it well
Yes, you too were once a little girl dreaming of being and doing stuff you today do not follow anymore. Wake up your creativity, let your inspiration flow threw you, do the stuff you love on a regular and I swear to you threw “keeping your cup full” as Oprah would put it you will internalize a sense of strength, cancel out any desperation and need of fulfillment seeking in other people and be the light at the meeting, the star at any party and just sparkle your way threw the week!
Remember. Do not take men in business too serious. At the end of the day they were all little boys once beared by a women like you and me.