why you are all you need beauty – the real advice nobody talk’s about

You are connected to universal intelligence and each external “free” advice you are getting is advice of the ego, because that is the nature of advice.

Wait stop. What are you saying? Please take a step back..

Hello beauty! Welcome to this unconventional blog, talking about the truth no-one dares to tell, with the main purpose of helping you becoming the wonderful woman (or man! you are welcome too, please don’t mind the pink theme :D) you were meant to be all along.

It takes time to grow into her, beauty. It takes a shift in your thinking.

the only thing that makes us special is our ability to think!

Believe it or not!

We humans have more or less the same vehicle to live in this world as any other living and breathing being.

We got a heart, lungs, basic brain functioning, legs,… the only thing that differentiates us is our ability to think and the best part of it all is:

thinking is free..!

universal knowledge versus advice

To dive into the “how can you achieve your goals” and “which advice should I follow” approach, we first have to think about what advice actually is beauty.

Advice is a point of view of a person you ask, or do not ask for with the intention to help you.

What is help? Help is something to propel you into the direction “that is good for you”.

But what is good for you? ….

That’s the point: YOU have to define what is good for you based on using your logic, not your emotions.

!Even our intuition can trick us!, because especially with big decisions we can feel as if it is our intuition that is talking to us when in reality it is our emotions that hit us with a strong feeling disguised as intuition. Our emotions are often coming from a place of past experiences which do not serve us anymore… we have to be aware of that and grow out of past behavior because the version of us we want to see is not thinking the same way anymore.

you have to get logically clear about what is good for you

People are super quick to give advice even if not asked for.

The reason why advice from yourself is always better than from people (especially the once that are not at the point where you want to be) is, that people serve their egos, unconsciously!

They always want themselves to feel good – this is a primary need of human beings. To do so they wat to be “right”.

People loooove to be right.. because it does not feel “good” to be wrong.

The problem is that even if they do not mean to lead you astray they do not know your heart the way you do.

Only you yourself are deeply connected with your own purpose! It would not make sense if it was any other way.. imagine you would feel the purpose of everyone around you..man would that be exhausting beauty.. Think about the scene in avatar when they connect their tails with the animals – that’s you! 😀 ( ..do you also love avatar? haha )


Your purpose is what you deeply wish and desire for and where you ultimately want to go..


Your own advice from yourself to yourself does not need to come from “god above or the universe or a light sent down threw the clouds”

your own KNOWING can come as simple as logically thinking about what would really be good for you. This is enough. You do not need to wait for that special “feeling” to come. You do not need to wait for a sign! The truth is YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IS THE NEXT RIGHT STEP.. not wait for anyone to give you permission, no need to tell anyone about what it is you want to achieve or talk to anyone but yourself and your god.

in case of seeking any advice..

You have to first know what it is you think is the next right thing to do for you. You have to first seek knowledge from sources that tell the truth to get clear on how to best achieve that! Like:

Think and grow rich

the Bible

Dale Carnegies Books

Earl Nightingales

Bob Proctor

These are classics that will ALWAYS lead you into the right direction. They are based on enormous experience, coming from nothing but the truth and wanting all the best for you! They will propel you into the future like nothing else.

Make sure you seek advice from those sources daily.. (I may earn a commission by you clicking on the links because I signed up for the amazon associates programm. I want you to know that I just recommend books that really really helped me and changed my life! For example think and grow rich.. man I read it every day to this day!)

“Only seek advice from people that are already where you want to be!”

this is sooooo crucial.

As always beauty.. eat that frog, read the books, use your brain!

I am too happy to hear from you in the comments <3

Love, your froggie mommie 🙂

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