The “elite”.
Old money, new money, married into or just simply saved and invested? There are so many ways to become rich, but does that mean you are part of the elite? Does that mean you are wealthy?
How can “one of us” get to that next level in life is a question that occupies the minds of many trying to rise higher in status.
this world is soo superficial by nature!
Nobody walks down the street, looking at someone thinking: “wow I can really read who this person is on the inside.” “I just see their core values and what they did to make their family and loved ones happy today.”
Unfortunately they can’t look inside of you more than they can judge by outward appearance. This is just a simple fact of life. We have to play the cards we are dealt beauty’s.. The sooner you accept it the faster you can move on and up with your life.
two things come with the way the world works..
the bad thing : We live in this superficial world where everyone judges others by their appearance, where people (scientifically approved) rather spend 5 dollars on a nicely dressed man asking for help because he lost his purse than on a poor begging women doing the same thing, going around begging.
The good thing : We can learn to accept this and use it to our advantage!
side note: There is the law of duality. Everything impacts everything and there are ALWAYS two sides of the coin. If you go ahead, put your best foot forward, do your nails, wash and straighten your hair and iron the shirt you are wearing you will increase your own energy, you will feel better about yourself and radiate that. Everyone you meet that day will feel that you are comfortable under your skin. It goes so much deeper than your looks, its your overall package, its CHARISMA..
Sooo often we meet people that are just super tempting, everyone wants to be like them or be their friend – do you know someone like that? the funny thing is: ..even if they are not the most beautiful person on planet earth they seem to fill every room with that tremendous energy ..its like WOW
and then sometimes we are running into what seems to be a supermodel that when getting to know has a soul like a vampire and feels supermodelinsecure in their own skin…
where is the logic in this? The truth is.. looks do not tell anything about a person, but they do matter a lot. One thing both of them have in common is their grooming and appearance.. I can assure you, if you think about that one person you know that you want to be like, they are showered, well dressed, brushed teeth, nice hair, cool clothes.. isn’t it?
What makes the elites shine, no matter their genetic inheritance and can make you light up any room as well:
- always being put together!
- Always smile when entering a room and have great posture.
- Be beautiful also from the inside by nutritious food and sleep/naps..
- sticking to what already works instead of wasting your time trying to invent a new world.. remember there is nothing new under the sun..the elite know how to dress for example, read more about that here
- Quality over Quantity. Sum up all your expenses for things you dont even really care about, all your emotional purchases – take that dumb sum and spend it on one good pair of loafers or a meal in a restaurant where you are bound to make that connection – the elite know the power of quality
- Develope your own mission statement – what gets you out of the bed? “be the change”? or rather “if you dont care about yourself no one will” or is it “thank you lord for this absolutely amazing day ahead”… whatever it is – make sure to get your day started right
- Hobbys.. like golf, tennis, classical dance club, polo.. this is where the elite hang out and there’s a reason as to why. For one thing you will be amongst your peers, amongst intelligent people that lift your energy, but also you get such a great outlet from work and strengthen your focus. Have you ever played golf for a couple of hours on the large windy hills of the golf court, peacefully hidden between birds whispering?…oh my I could go on and on ..
But why should you bother, why go threw all of this, why take on these hobbies, why always iron my shirts and put on the make up, why wake up earlier to get showered and why bother remembering a mission statement when I wake up?
then you ask yourself..
why not? why not bother? why not take on that extra round of tennis in the evening, why not save that coin you would spend on an emotional purchase to spend it on the best meal of your life? why not see what life has to offer? Why not drink that 300 dollar bottle of Champaign? Why not walk along the beaches of the Maldives and meet uplifting wealthy friends? Why not be that person at the party everyone wants to be friends with? Why not?
I am going to leave you with that for today my dear beauty. Never forget to eat that frog, I love you <3 Commet your thoughts down below, I love to read from you!
xoxo your froggie community
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