Who are you beauty?

The only question we have to answer in this life is: “who am I”? The indigo cultures say “today is a good day to die”. They understand that you can not take anything with you, one day no one will remember you excited. This is the way life is set up.

Not to discourage you, but to open your eyes: reflecting on that truth makes you aware of how ridiculous it is to identify with anything material this world provides. As long as you lie to yourself you can not improve anything! YYOu have to get brutally honest, and by that I mean, reflect on who you really are.

You are not your name, your car, your job, your achievements. I want you to see the REAL YOU so you can get out of REACTIVE MODE!

the real you: the real you is what shows in two occasions:

  • threw falling in love
  • threw hardship and loosing everything

WHY? because in these two occasions you loose your EGO. Your ego tells you: You are your accomplishments, you are the grades you got in school or the title that stands before your name.

Love or loosing everything opens your eyes to who you are without the ego.

Suddenly you think differently, suddenly you are not afraid to show your true colors. For example – if your role in your day to day life is “the manager” and you manage a team of people everyday, you do the same tasks everyday to be successful, you drive your BMW to work and if someone asks you who you are you say I am so and so the manager of xy. But now threw threw falling in love you detect the girl you were before going into the workforce. You want to be yourself again. You want to be the singer, the artist, the sporty girl again. You can suddenly be honest with yourself that you would rather live life simple, to not have this car but to travel everyday to a new country, but also you suddenly see that: Actually I hate to manage people I enjoy selling, or being an entrepreneur, or singing comes naturally to me!

The faster you can answer the question who you really are, the more time you save in life. As said before, every time you are in your ego, you lie to yourself and are in reaction mode. The reaction mode is basically: What do you react to aggressively? When thinking about it, there is always the same thing getting on your nerves/ the same topic that really annoys you. This is an ego detector. What really makes you angry and you just can not help it?

You get angry because something inside you says: this is not what I signed uo for/ this is not what the “role” I “play” allows to be part of my life.

This way you can further detect who you are not and go deeper into who you really are..

Once you approximately are able to answer the question “Who am I” you will catapult yourself into your future because then you can honestly admit to what comes naturally to you and what is just a “role” you are “playing” because of xyzzy circumstances in your past.

So, who are you? And how can you get to know the real you in the coming weeks?

Tell me in the comments what you already know to be true about yourself and how you got over your ego, I am curious.

as always – eat that frog beauty

xoxo your froggie community <3

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